Monday, March 14, 2011

Absolute Proof of God’s working presence in the world today. Part 2 of 3

I want to try and make this very simple because it is very basic… and yet the truth of it is absolutely astounding.  It is my most enjoyable proof of God’s work in the life of every person in the world.
As a human being, you and I and everyone else on the planet has had at sometime in our lives a desire for something better to make us happy, more comfortable or just have a better self esteem.  Some pursue it more… some less…  but everyone, to some extent, will pursue this irresistible urge.  Some can’t get enough education. Others can not get their fill of reading books, others… watching movies.  Maybe you just want the newest gadget… or a shiny sleek new car.  Perhaps it’s your dream home you crave… or even a supersized Farmville!  The list is endless… but futile!  If and when… if and when… if only! 
Friend… we all have a void in our soul… and I am here to tell you that it is created by the miraculous work of the Holy Spirit.  One thing and only one thing can fill it because only one thing is being generated in our souls… creating this void.  Are you ready for this??  Are you ready for this truth that is absolutely simple!
The only satisfying thing that will fill this void that is generated by God’s Holy Spirit is… RIGHTEOUSNESS and this is positive proof that God is at work in your life today.
Jesus said in the book of John chapter 16 verses 7-10:  “It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter (Holy Spirit) will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you.  And when he is come he will reprove (convict) the world… THE WORLD! of… righteousness… Of righteousness, because I (Jesus) go to my Father and ye see me no more.
The cleansing power of righteousness in your soul satisfies that void completely.  Righteousness is a state of being forgiven for our sins… mistakes… wrongdoing…. and living in a way that shows we are righteous.  This is acceptable to God.  By accepting God’s only begotten son, not only do we receive the righteousness of Jesus… but when we “rest” in it… we have his peace.  Yes… there continues to be a struggle in life… but there also continues to be “a calling” of your redeemed soul to follow him and rest in the righteousness that God sees in you on behalf of the price that Jesus paid for our sins.
This is a truth that is never ending… always available… and when we fully rest in it… never disappointing.  What a wonderful God we have.  Find some way to serve him today.
Next time… there is something that we all fear at some time or another.  What is it?  Why is it?  And how can it be overcome?  It’s proof number three of God’s evident work in the world today.
Happy trails!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Absolute Proof of God’s Working Presence in the World Today, Part 1

In the days ahead I want to reveal three things that every human being born since the time of Jesus, that has any capability to think for themselves, share in common.  I also want to explain the origin of each.
Proof number one:  All of us who have the capacity to reason… this leaves out babies and the mentally retarded… have had at some time, a sense of guilt for something we did that we know was wrong.  Animals don’t have this… they respond mostly to instinct.  A lion doesn’t regret chasing down a deer, slaughtering it and then eating it.  A dog has no remorse for stealing from the neighbor’s dog dish.  A horse doesn’t apologize for throwing you from his back.  Did you ever have a wasp tell you “I’m sorry for stinging you… you looked like an intruder?”
Only humans have a sense of guilt.  Where does it come from?  There is only one answer.
Jesus said in the book of John chapter 16 verses 7-9:  “It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter (Holy Spirit) will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you.  And when he is come, he will reprove (convict) the world of sin.... of sin, because they believe not on me;”   Thus… the guilt all over the world.
Thankfully God has also provided forgiveness for all sin to those who will make a one time confession  of their guilty condition, which otherwise would require payment by your eternal death.  Your forgiveness is available through the payment that Jesus made with his perfect life and death.  If you will accept this gift with the faith of a child by claiming Jesus as Savior and Lord of your life… you will be forgiven for all of your sins and granted eternal life in Heaven.
“For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.”  Romans 3:23
“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life.”  John 3:16
God always has more, now and forever… for those who have the faith to believe in his son.
Next time… “Proof Number Two”  Why are we all looking for something better to improve our lives?